Thursday, September 24, 2009

What your future holds?
Honestly, what kids want to go to school? What is the purpose of school, to sit there and get through the day for most kids… Well in Karl Fisch’s “What’s the purpose of school” He explains how school is essential and prepares us for our future. I defiantly and firmly agree with this as, as we get older new jobs will be produced of things we never could have imagined and as of now we all are in competition for the future. So what’s the purpose to go to school each and every day but not only go through it as we have to but to learn, to be educated and refine. Mr. Fische’s rant continues as he states “ The purpose of education is to make the world a better place” as odd and as simple as that statement, it means so much. I agree with that quote and it means so much as , education shapes the way many people act, think, and present themselves (intelligent or not). So continue your education and keep up those grades, as I already said were in competition right now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Drugs, drinking, sex, and more … all very common in the average life of a teen. Still kids go to school every day and are now use to this for the most part , and all of the sudden parents want to keep their kids home so they aren’t exposed to such things of OUR elected president talking about kids working hard?! My honest opinion was Obama’s speech was none the less, good. In his introduction he stated that waking up early for school and how you could be nervous as it might be your first day, I thought this was very good point especially to connect with the kids and when he said waking up for school every morning is a pain I immediately connected and made a connection as I don’t like waking up early either. Next, he said: “But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world – and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities. Unless you show up to those schools; pay attention to those teachers; listen to your parents, grandparents and other adults; and put in the hard work it takes to succeed.” In this quote he made me think of my own work, strengths, weaknesses, and inspiration, and even push from my parents. For many kids/teens around the world inspiration is everything for some others they have none. Reasons may be there not pushed by their realities and also they just don’t want IT, it being everything that you need to succeed in this world of ours. So, again I ask. Why, would parents want to keep their children from this inspirational speech? WHO Known’s many people have different views on different subjects….

On September 11th 2001 the World Trade Center was hit by a plane, plane full of innocent peopled….none the less the thousands of people in the World Trade Center. Now 2 days after the eight anniversary of 9/11 Osama Bin Laden has sent an 11 minute 20 second video. Threatening the United States that if we do not stop the war in Iraq then we anti-American ideal will go on. This makes me very angry as , questions flow through my head like what doesn’t he stop the war!? This also helps me learn the different people that embark this world and their opnions. Many people could care less about this message but , what if more terriost attacks arise from this message or if another war starts from other conflicts that has risen from this video. Leaving the question , do we stop the war or continue?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The New Literacy

“its not that today’s students can’t write. It’s that they’re doing it in different places and in different ways. This said by, Andrea Lunsford professor at Stanford University. Today in the 21st century there are many new skills, jobs, and way more advanced technology….but writing, what about writing? Texting, social networks, power points. There all still writing too right? Apparently not states John Sutherland an English Professor at a University in England. As he says, “Face book encourages narcissistic blabbering, video and power point have replaced carefully crafted essays, and texting has dehydrated language into bleak, bald, sad shorthand.” Well, from my stance he is wrong and Lunsford is right as, I believe this writing in texting and social networks etc. is still writing just displayed in different ways. In Lunsford’s research about this dilemma I was very shocked that she has taken in 14,672 papers of students writing samples from various natures, and has come up with many conclusions one of which is she says now days more kid are writing than ever and these technologies are reviving our writing not ruining it. Thus I will have to say I disagree because the writing today in social networks for example is off from real words and acronyms are to widely use and are ruining our language. Then again, many students for years and years have been writing ONLY in school just for the point to get a good grade, now that internet has evolved more there are many more kids sites such as Blogger typing about anything!! That may consist of questions or anything about your opinions on situations etc. So as the years continue the internet will evolve and teens writing will evolve as more “practice” will be used not only in school but on the internet and out of sol too.

“machines are using us”

First thing thing that comes to mind after I saw this YouTube video (“the machines are using us” by Michael Wesch) was, refreshing. After hearing different professors (from my own research) saying how internet is destroying writing and how real writing on paper needs to come back and social networking sites need to be EXPUNGED. It’s just refreshing to hear a different stance one like Professor Lunsford’s. The beginning of his video defiantly caught my attention will the whole thing about how writing on paper is unlinear and how typing a paper is linear and you can do such things as hypertext and link. When he went to Google and then created a blog and stated a fact saying 1 blog is created every half second, well this really made me think! Think about who, what, when, where, and WHY? What could this person be writing about what could it be, why are they writing. Well even though many people against internet writing and social networking sites, it still doesn’t be the fact that there are hundreds of blogs per minute and peoples writing is being revived and is recurring more and more out of school and the writing with people is starting to have more of a PURPOSE! Also I very much like what he said about every time we go to a site or forge a link etc. we teach the machine. I can’t say how many times I’ve been on a site let alone the world, trillions of times links or sites have been pulled up. Every day we learn; we are the machine. When he said no longer we are linking text etc. we are linking people... makes me think about which I could be getting info. From or speaking to or even new friends I don’t even know I’m making. Overall, this YouTube video has made me think, discover, process, and Learn...