Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grand Dragon of KKK ....represented by Black Lawyer

When you hear the words Ku Klux Klan the first thing that comes to mind for many people is raciest psycho idiots who don’t know the meaning of equality. Well, have you ever heard of a “Black lawyer defending Ku Klux Klan leader?” Anthony Griffin, a black veteran lawyer who was contacted by Texas Civil Liberties Union, they were seeking a lawyer to defend Michael Lowe the Grand Dragon of the KKK. Except the Texas Civil Liberties Union didn’t know Griffin was black…Anthoney took the case right away as he states, "I said, No problem.' Once the facts were explained to me I considered it an honor. It is any time you have an opportunity to defend the Bill of Rights." Griffith doesn’t believe in the KKK’s beliefs AT ALL, but DOES believe that they have the right to free speech. So when I read this article many questions popped into my head one of which being, why would the KKK a White supremacist group want a black lawyer….a race they’ve been “fighting” against. This article doesn’t explain this but, we can always guess right?!
I believe that they are trying to send a message I’m not exactly sure what it could be. Maybe trying to get more hype about their case and possibly more attention for future recruits, who knows? “He seems like a nice fellow ... I think he'll do me very well." A statement by Michael Lowe saying that Griffith is a nice fellow and Lowe will allow Griffith to rep. him. I can’t exactly say I believe and have the same views as the KKK, but I do agree and think they have the right to free speech and should be allowed to express their feelings as long as they keep their “feelings” under control and don’t break the law.

1 comment:

  1. Connor, I thought your blog post told me what was going on this article very well. I liked that you gave your opinion and justified it and also explained the other side of it. I liked how you put quotes in your post which helped explain that point of view more. I liked how you asked questions and answered them with your own thoughts and opinions. You had a few errors but not too many. Your post was really good and you chose a great article that required deeper thinking.
