Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can't stall any longer!

Obama need’s to make a decision NOW, we’ve had too many deaths and casualties since 2001 and we can’t take anymore…bring the troops home! Running for presidency; Obama, promised numerous amounts idea’s of what he “would” do to make our Country better and solve one of our major problems the economy right now. Lately he’s been promising to make a final decision on if he is sending the troops back home or keeping them in Afghanistan. He promised he would make this decision by the end of the election in Afghanistan. Now, since the election is over by default as Hamid Karzai was declared winner the election is officially over. Therefore, bringing back our main topic again, Obama need’s to make a decision as the election is over and he can’t stall anymore it is not justified for him to have more time for the decision. The war has been going on since 2001 to present day (2009), in that time we have lost many lives and over the years all we do is keep sending more? This blows my mind; do we even care about the lives being lost? Well the answer to that to me is a no, or at least it seems like it. Do most people especially the government and president even now how precious a life is, apparently not? Eight years the war has been going on and we’ve had a ridiculous amount of time to process what’s going on and we still haven’t done anything about it, we just keep the troops in the war to die and send more in. Not only the lives being lost but the money we’ve spent! We have had a huge loss in money coming from this war, billions and billions being spent but for what reason? So we can supply the troops with some guns and ammunition and food…so they are able to go out in war and risk their lives. Now we are presented with another opportunity to bring the troop’s home and Obama can’t even make the decision!? In my opinion, I think we should immediately bring the troops home and save lives and money. And to me if the president can’t make a decision as simple as that I don’t know how this will end.

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